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  • poble de Parlavà amb l'església al fons

    The municipality of Parlavà,  with around 400 inhabitants, spreads across the flood plain of the Rivers Ter and Daró, although the western part is formed by small hills, of which the Montori is the highest. Parlavà is the head of the municipality, which also includes the village of Fonolleres and the nuclei of La Rutlla and Matabou.

    The village of Parlavà does not have a very clear urban structure. Around the church there is a group of buildings distributed in short, narrow alleys which would seem to indicate an old walled enclosure of which no traces now remain. Outside of this nucleus, the village extends to the east and north in small, little-defined neighbourhoods.

    The parish church of Sant Feliu has a Romanesque floor plan, although it was altered by fortification works and various subsequent reforms.

    The village of Fonolleres lies a couple of kilometres from Parlavà, on the plain, and the nucleus of population is concentrated around the church. This church is dedicated to St. Christopher and is in late Gothic style, with a single nave and an apse which is polygonal inside and semicircular outside, topped by a fortification tower.

  • Dades de contacte:

    Ajuntament de Parlavà

    C. Salvetat, 3

    17133 Parlavà

    T. +34 972 76 92 88


